Realistic, anti-awwward, idon’twannaspend10Kforacard

hover websites examples for designers

Realistic, anti-awwward
websites inspirations for


Realistic, anti-awwward, idon’twannaspend10Kforacardhover websites examples for designers

Save time and blow your mind clients at the same time with thousand realistic beautiful websites examples

Save time and blow your mind clients at the same time with thousand realistic beautiful websites examples

Why anti-bullshit

We are presented with sites full of animation that burst your eyes, technically unfeasible (…hello Awwward ) unless you have the same budget as the production of avatar 2

We are presented with sites full of animation that burst your eyes, technically unfeasible (…hello Awwward ) unless you have the same budget as the production of avatar 2

This is not reality.

This is not reality

don't bullshit us bro

Aspire to build websites, with developers that don't insult you, while keeping the marketing side of things up to par ?

Aspire to build websites, with developers that don't insult you, while keeping the marketing side of things up to par ?


"Love Anti-bullshit product, not every project needs an awwward design, sometimes just a clean and simple design works very well"

UI designer, agency

"I saved days of benchmark with Anti-bullshit examples"


Front developer

"Developers use to be ….cause not every UI designer has technical background, so they spend hours trying to replicate UI design, A-B website brings both beautiful and friendly developer examples."

Freelance full stack developer

"Anti-bullshit is one of my best daily inspirations for website design"

UI-UX designer

"Love Anti-bullshit concept, not every project need an awwward design, sometimes just a clean and simple design works very well"

UI designer, agency

"i saved days with a solution like anti-bullshit design"


Agency webdesigner

Anti-bullshit, its thousand of realistic website examples for designer

Anti-bullshit, its thousand of realistic website examples for designer





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try it for free

try it for free

we'll let you know when you an try it ;)

we'll let you know when soon ;)

Made by nobody

Made by nobody

for passionated designer

for passionated designer

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